Client cancellations

Will I get paid if the client cancels? 

  • If a client cancels, you’ll receive an email notification to let you know. The booking will also no longer appear in the "upcoming bookings" tab in your sitter portal.
  • Cancellations which occur within 1 hour of accepting a job will not receive cancellation pay. Client cancellations for short notice requests are subject to change.
  • After the 1 hour period, for client cancellations with less than 24 hours notice before the start of care, Helpr sitters are paid the 4 hour minimum or 75% of the time booked (whichever is greater) at the original rate of the booking.

When will I receive cancellation pay?

  • If eligible, cancellation pay is sent on the normal payment schedule - within 2 business days of care intended to be provided (and then may take up to another 2 business days to arrive in your account).

Will I get paid if I'm asked to leave early from a care booking?

  • If a client asks you to leave their booking early, please update the hours of care provided in your sitter portal within 24 hours of the end of care (to ensure payment is sent in a timely manner). 
  • If you are asked to leave early for reasons beyond your control (such as the child is ill), you will receive cancellation pay (4 hour minimum or 75% of total time, whichever is more). You can provide details about what occurred when you adjust the time in your portal. 

How can I get in touch with Helpr Customer Support if I have questions about a client cancellation?

  • If you ever have questions please make sure to email the Helpr Customer Support team within 24 hours of your booking end time to ensure you are paid accurately and please always include the job/booking ID # for the quickest response.

Please note, bookings where the Helpr Code of Conduct is violated will be treated differently and may not receive cancelation pay. For example, if a booking request that includes driving, adult care, etc. is canceled, cancelation pay will not be provided.

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