What can I submit as proof of extenuating circumstances when canceling with Helpr?

Helpr is accountable for providing a reliable service. Cancellations must include valid documentation of extenuating circumstances to be marked as such.

We ask for verification not to be invasive, but to maintain the integrity of our service to the best of our abilities. We do our best to be as flexible as possible with the types of verification we accept with the ultimate goal of supporting sitters & families in the Helpr community while still doing our due diligence in ensuring the validity of the reason for canceling.

Please email your verification to Helpr at support@hellohelpr.com within 7 days of your cancelation. If you're unsure of what to submit, please reach out to discuss and we'll be happy to work with you.

Examples of documentation include but are not limited to:

  • Any communication from a doctor or nurse
  • Screenshot or copy of the notification of a COVID-19 exposure (for example, you could send a screenshot of a text message if that is how you found out as long as the date is listed there)
  • Positive COVID-19 test - please sign and add the date if it's not visible from the test.
  • Picture of car accident showing date picture was taken
  • Invoice for car accident repairs
  • Picture of prescription or receipt from prescription with dates
  • Picture of thermometer showing fever signed with date
**Please be sure the documentation you submit has an identifying characteristic (your name, email, etc). Please be sure it also includes relevant dates to indicate when this occurred relative to your canceled booking**  
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