Our Code of Conduct

Helpr Code of Conduct is a guide for you based on industry standards. If a complaint comes in from a parent, we use this data to determine if the helpr is, indeed, qualified to stay on the platform. Please review carefully. 

Violations to industry Code of Conduct include but are not limited to: 

Not showing up for a job, arriving late without giving reasonable notice, or a last minute cancellation. 

  • Reasonable is defined as sufficient time for Helpr to notify the parent and rebook the job with another helpr. 
  • Arriving on time is defined by being in the door and working with family at the designated start time. Parking time is not included. 

Using technology to entertain children as a replacement for active engagement, unless explicitly outlined as household routine and endorsed by a parent. 

  • Including but not limited to TV, computer, tablets, cell phone, etc. 
  • Be engaging, play with their toys, take them on walks (with permission), draw pictures, lead games, etc. 

Spending time on your phone or personal device(s) while actively providing care.

  • While you are providing care, your primary focus should be engaging with the child or children under your supervision.
  • Helprs should not be on their phone or personal device(s) unless for an emergency, to support activities the family has set (music on a bluetooth speaker for example), or communicating with the client directly. If a child you're caring for is asleep, please be sure to handle all household upkeep and tidying before using your phone/device for personal communication and entertainment.
  • Text messages from the Helpr team are not emergent. If you receive a text while at a booking, you can reply when you're available with the above considerations or reply when your booking is complete.

Leaving work and play spaces untidy, especially the kitchen with dishes used during your job. 

  • We know that thorough clean-up is not always possible, but please try to remember that it is best practice to leave a space tidier than how you found it, especially if there is downtime. 
  • If there is a mess upon a parent’s arrival, offer to stay and wrap it up. 

Leaving the house or hotel room with the children without a parent’s permission.

  • Ask parents before the visit starts if they want you to stay in the home/hotel or are able to leave with the child for a walk, etc. 
  • We do not offer driving services. If a parent would like for you to transport their children in a hired car, that is up to your discretion as a job-related responsibility.  Refer the parent to Helpr, support@hellohelpr.com of 877-417-4883,  if they have questions. 

Being under the influence of substances right before or while on the job.

  • Additionally, do not accept any alcohol or substances from parents while on the job.

Bringing family members, children or friends to a booking, or having them visit during a booking. 

  • Visitors are not part of the Helpr screening process. Further, we want to ensure your attention is focused on the children in your care. 

Discussing pay rates with clients directly or accepting additional payment directly from clients.
  • Please do not reach out to families to discuss or negotiate rates. Many of Helpr's clients receive employee benefits which subsidize the cost of care, meaning the clients do not set your rate.
  • If you have questions about the rate of a particular booking, please reach out to the Helpr Customer Support team before accepting and we are happy to discuss with you during business hours.
  • If a client would like to tip you after care, please let them know to email the Helpr Support team and we'll be happy to add this to their booking and to your payment.

Accepting booking requests with details that don’t match your experience or match what you have been screened for by Helpr

  • This includes but is not limited to:
    • Booking requests for anything other than childcare:
      • Adult care, birth worker care, pet care, etc.
        • Helpr Network sitters are not able to provide adult care at this time. Even if you have the experience, this is not something we screen you for so do not accept a request for adult care if you see one
      • You may see requests for non childcare from time to time because Helpr has multiple programs for family care
    • Requests to drive children
    • Children’s ages do not match your professional experience screened for by Helpr during onboarding*
    • Special requests do not match your professional experience screened for by Helpr during onboarding* (for example: special needs, exceptionalities, etc.)

*If you gain more experience with particular age groups or special needs, please fill out our form here and we can screen you for these care needs!

Helpr-Specific Platform Mandates and Restrictions

Do not drive children in your car or a parent’s car. 

  • We do not offer driving services. Do not drive any children in your vehicle or a parent’s vehicle. 
  • Please refer parents to Helpr Customer Support; 877-417-4883 or support@hellohelpr.com if they ask you to drive. 
  • If you see in a booking request email that a client has requested driving services, please email support@hellohelpr.com with the Job ID # for assistance. Do not accept until you have confirmed with the Helpr team that care without driving services is needed.

Dress comfortably and professionally. 

  • Remember, this is a job, so use your best judgment. 

Please contact us with any questions or concerns: support@hellohelpr.com

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