Does Helpr cover transportation?

  • Helpr does not cover transportation and parking costs though we may offer to negotiate rate for a long commute under certain circumstances in order to support family's urgent or singular care needs while also respecting your time. 
  • As much as possible, we try to make care matches that will be sustainable for everyone. Once clients meet you, they may want your care again and if you have a long commute, then continued care is likely unsustainable. 
  • Helpr provides the location and rate of each booking so helprs can make informed decisions and budget for gas and transportation ahead of time. 
  • We recommend mapping your route to care using the zip code provided before you accept. If you have questions about the location of a booking, reach out to Helpr Customer Support before accepting and we're happy to help you during business hours. 

***If you accept a job via the email notification or via text, you are agreeing to details including the location listed in the booking.*** 

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